Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Understanding Zydone Abuse and Dependence

Understanding Zydone Abuse and Dependence

ZydoneDependence on this medication can occur after a few weeks of continued use according to the National Institutes of Health. It is also possible for mild dependence to develop within just a few days of taking this medication. Each person is different, and because of this, the rate of tolerance can vary from one person to another. It is important to understand that even though Zydone is a prescription medication, the risk for abuse does exist. This is because Zydone is a combination substance comprised of hydrocodone and acetaminophen. The presence of hydrocodone in this medication may produce feelings of euphoria. It can also produce a partially sedated state.

Finding the Help You Need

While it can be difficult to admit that you or someone you love may need a Zydone rehabilitation program, acknowledging the presence of an addiction is the first step in achieving recovery. It is only natural to have questions about how to find the most suitable treatment program. Many Zydone recovery centers are available to provide necessary treatment. In sorting through the various options, it is important you find a facility that can assist you or your family member through each stage of the recovery process.
The first stage of that process is often intake. For this reason, any Zydone treatment facility you consider should offer a comprehensive assessment process. Everyone experiences addiction in a different manner, and it is imperative that the medical staff at the facility you choose can carefully evaluate your level of addiction. By determining the severity of your addiction, the staff can then tailor your treatment plan according to your unique needs. As part of this process, make certain that the facility you consider will obtain a comprehensive medical history.
Once the intake process has been completed, many Zydone treatment center patients will then enter a detoxification phase. According to the National Institutes of Health, patients who suddenly stop taking hydrocodone, one of the substances contained in Zydone, may experience withdrawal symptoms. To help combat such withdrawal symptoms, Zydone recovery centers may wean patients off the medication by providing gradually decreasing doses. It is imperative
that the medication be purged from the patient's body before moving on to the next phase of treatment.
Due to the need for cleansing and continuous evaluation and monitoring, many Zydone rehabilitation programs provide treatment in a residential facility. The duration of treatment can vary from one facility to another and may depend upon the severity of your addiction. A 28-day rehabilitation program is common, but when you are searching for an addiction treatment program, it is important to bear in mind that some patients may require a longer period of treatment.

Comparing Recovery Facilities

"Due to the fact that you will be residing in the facility while you undergo treatment, you must feel comfortable there."As part of the process of comparing Zydone recovery programs, it is also important to consider the amenities and services provided. Due to the fact that you will be residing in the facility while you undergo treatment, you must feel comfortable there. Many recovery facilities provide private rooms and also offer a host of other amenities to aid patients in their recoveries, such as fitness facilities, massage therapies and yoga classes.
While detoxing from the medication is one of the most crucial aspects of recovery, other facets of rehabilitation should also be considered when you are searching for an appropriate treatment program for yourself or someone you know. After patients leave treatment programs, they may be confronted with a number of temptations that could potentially result in relapses. To combat such problems, it is important that the facility you choose provide you or your loved one with the following skills:
  • How to recognize potential relapse triggers
  • How to handle peer pressure
  • How to ask for help when faced with temptation to use again
  • How to maintain physical and mental health
  • How to cope with the stress related to daily life
Such skills can prove to be critical in helping you maintain your abstinence from Zydone and other substances in the future.

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