Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Xanax Abuse Signs, Symptoms and Addiction Treatment

Signs and Symptoms

Signs and symptoms of Xanax abuse are typically present in nearly every aspect of a person’s life. It is common for people with Xanax problems to have strained relationships with close friends and family. Drug abuse can lead to marital problems and tends to affect people at work. It is common for people with an addiction to Xanax to miss work because they do not feel well. This is typically because they have not taken any pills and are experiencing withdrawal symptoms. Other common signs of a Xanax addiction include financial problems, sudden weight loss and neglecting family responsibilities.
If you think you might be addicted to Xanax, it is important that you know the symptoms of Xanax abuse. You might find yourself thinking about how you are going to get more Xanax when you have finished what you have. You could develop cognitive problems that make it difficult for you to articulate your words. Addicts also tend to build up a tolerance Xanax, and experience withdrawal symptoms when they are not taking the medication. An addict’s life typically revolves around drug use, and it is common for users to start taking other drugs when they do not have access to Xanax.

Effects of Xanax Abuse

Using Xanax, especially for a prolonged period, can have numerous drug abuse effects on your body. The medication is a central nervous system depressant, so most of the effects have to do with how your mind functions. The most common effects of Xanax use include lack of coordination, slurred speech, confusion and disorientation.
Some people develop memory impairment, which typically only affects the short-term memory, and doctors primarily see mild cases of impairment. Sedation is also a concern for Xanax users. People who take the mediation in large doses might experience severe sedation that can last for three to four days.

Xanax Abuse Treatment

People suffering from Xanax addictions have the option to use inpatient or outpatient treatment programs. It is important that you review what every program has to offer. Then, choose the program that has the best chance of helping you succeed.
Inpatient treatment programs give you a stable and temptation-free environment for yourrecovery. Centers have around-the-clock care. The medical staff will help you cope with your withdrawal symptoms and may administer medication to make the symptoms subside. A typical day in an inpatient facility could include group therapy sessions, individual therapy sessions and educational lectures.
Outpatient treatment programs give you more freedom, and there are two different options. The daily check-in program requires you to check in with a drug abuse counselor every day, while the day treatment program requires you to be at the center for eight hours each day. Meanwhile, you will be attending therapy sessions and possibly educational lectures about addiction and recovery.

Xanax Statistics

Xanax addiction is a widespread problem and affects the lives of numerous adults. Because the addiction develops over time, it may take some time before you even realize that you have a problem. According to the 2011 Treatment Episode Data Set Report, 60,200 people obtainingdrug abuse treatment were addicted to benzodiazepines. This showed a drastic increase from the 22,400 people who sought treatment for benzo addictions in 1998.

Teen Xanax Abuse

Xanax abuse is not only a problem among adults; teenagers have prescription medication addictions as well. According to the 2011 Monitoring the Future survey, 7.4 percent of teenagers report using prescription drugs for nonmedical purposes in the past year. While this includes other prescription drugs, Xanax seems to be a quite popular prescription drug abused by teens.

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